HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: Adrift

September 2



Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry.  For my soul is full of troubles… Adrift…cut off from Your hand… Your wrath lies heavy upon me, and You have afflicted me with all Your waves.  Selah    (Psa 88:2-7 NKJV)



Sometimes, when life seems overwhelmingly full of trouble, we can stray too far from Father’s ways like a boat adrift in rough waters.  How lost we can feel during these times, but there’s Good News: Messiah knows what’s causing us to drift away, for He is well-acquainted with our ways.  All we need do to find our way again is to repent and re-invite Yeshua back into our boat, and immediately we’ll be steered back to the life He’s planned for us again. And in that very special way only He does, Abba-YHWH makes sure we’re made the wiser for it, too.  Amen.



Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing.  So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”


Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.  (John 6:18-21 NKJV)




HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: Adrift

HIDDEN MANNA~Word Designs: Boat

Copyright 2022 by Tracie Justice

Posted in Lifestyle on September 02 2024 at 09:24 AM
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