Latte Revolution: A Song

Latte Revolution


It used to be so simple,

A cup of Joe was all you had.

When did it all change?

It wasn’t so bad.


I’ll go back to the simple days, to my coffee and cream,

It was good before Star Bucks and Latte extreme.


I like rock and roll and my Chevrolet,

Was there something wrong?

I like holding the door,

Lady’s First was not a bore.


Who needs espresso?

With lavender and foam?

It ain’t worth six bucks,

And I’ll keep my pick-up trucks.


There’s a place on every corner,

There are no mechanics, but we have baristas.

The country’s gone, it cannot see.

But it’s latte time, and its sugar free.


I’ll go back to the simple days, to my coffee and cream,

It was good enough before Star Bucks and Latte extreme.


Lattes have spread,

In every capitol, we’re about to drown.

It’s more important than penicillin,

And don’t forget to change the linen.


It’s a revolution, you don’t need a car.

Just drop in on any corner, step up to the bar.

It’s milk and foam, espresso and flavor,

Sugar free or plain, iced, hot, and savor.

Try vanilla, caramel, or coconut, you see.

Lavender, chai, matcha and it’s gluten free.


Can you play country in latte world?

Does matcha work in Tennessee?

I still like my cup of Joe and cream,

A buck 25 and ready to dream.


I’ll go back to the simple days, to my coffee and cream,

It was good enough before Star Bucks and Latte extreme.


Pretty girls like lattes,

Offer a sip and ready to talk.

Forget your beer, forget your bars

If you want to meet them, it’s lattes and guitars.


It’s a new world,

Minds have changed,

I’ll try vegan and oat milk,

In the latte range.


You know that I want to stay with you,

Hold hands in the crystal dew.

We can sip our lattes and gaze at the stars

Romance in the new age, and hide the scars.


I’ll do it for you, I’ll give up my Joe.

I’ll climb the sacred mountain and then go below.

It’s the latte world we live in.

Will it save me from sin?


Is it now oatmilk and yogurt?

Or avotoast and tacos.

Hide the latte,

I’ll stick with the Joes.


I’ll go back to the simple days, to my coffee and cream,

It was good enough before Star Bucks and Latte extreme.
















Posted in Music on September 02 2024 at 09:43 AM
Comments (1)
Lattes have taken over the world. Whatever happened to a good cup of Joe?
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