HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: According to the Rules

October 3



No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.  And also, if anyone competes in athletics, he is NOT crowned unless he competes ACCORDING TO THE RULES.    (2 Tim 2:4,5  NKJV) [Emphasis mine.]



The Kingdom of Light has suffered violence from the opposing forces of darkness throughout the ages (Matt 11:12), and because YHWH gave US dominion over the whole earth (Gen 1:28), we are the chosen soldiers enlisted and trained by Messiah for the frontlines of this battle.   But if we allow ourselves to be distracted with the cares of this world (Luke 8:11) and take our eyes off the Word of our Commanding Officer even for a moment, then we could miss hearing His commands leading us to victory. 


Just as soldiers on the frontlines of a physical battle are not surprised when the enemy forces shoot at them, neither shall we be surprised when the devil shoots his fiery darts of persecution at us.  For Abba-YHWH saw to it in His Word that we are not ignorant of his devises.  (Eph 6:16; 2 Cor 2:11)  So let us not be surprised or dismayed when we’ve discovered that those who come against us hardest are the ones we care most about.  If we think about it, would it really be true persecution at all unless it’s done by those we care most what they say or think about us?   


Therefore, when persecution comes, let us remember the specific instructions our Messiah provided for overcoming it: forgive those who hurt you; pray for your enemies and those who spitefully use you; LOVE them.  (Matt 5:44-48)  I know “Love” is probably the last thing we’re feeling while being cruelly persecuted, but this kind of “Love” is not an emotion but POWER from YHWH to overcome this.  And if we’ll let go of the offense and forgive our persecutors, then Abba-YHWH can use us to stand in the gap for them to create an open door for Him to come in and heal their land and, ultimately, OURS as well.  


I know doing it YHWH’s way doesn’t feel very good at first—and it sure won’t feel very justifying, either—however, obeying the Word of YHWH in this will activate His power of “Love” (which NEVER fails!) in this situation and cause everything to work out together for our good in the end. (Rom 8:28)  And the sooner we do it YHWH’s way, the sooner He will wave the checkered flag of victory over us, crowning us with the winner’s wreath for all to see, especially our enemies!  In the name of Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach, Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, amen.



If God is for us, who can be against us?   …Who can separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution…in all these things we are more than conquerors in Him who loved us… (Rom 8:31-39  NKJV)




HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: According to the Rules

HIDDEN MANNA~Word Designs: God For Us

Copyright 2022 by Tracie Justice



Posted in Lifestyle on October 03 2024 at 10:59 AM
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