When The Red Sea Was Parted

When The Red Sea Was Parted


By Richard Moss


Visitors from elsewhere,

We did not ask you to come.

Yet you smash our statues,

And attack our schools.


You wear the head dress,

Of a violent group.

You claim hatred of our country,

But why are you here?


You swear you are oppressed,

But who is your oppressor?

The Holy Land was given

To the People of the Book



Three thousand years,

When the Red Sea was parted.

The Bible is God’s word,

And He chose Moses.


You had your chance,

To live in peace.

But war is what you want,

And Hitler is your hero.


So, why study here?

When paradise is there?

Go home to your homeland,

And wear your keffiyeh.


Israel left,

and offered to help.

It could have been Miami,

But you prefer Hamas.



Three thousand years,

When the Red Sea was parted.

The Bible is God’s word,

And He chose Moses.


You burn our flag,

And wreck our streets.

You wail injustice,

While attacking our land.


Wear your head scarf,

And claim oppression.

Queers for Palestine?

Try that in Gaza.


You were offered peace,

You massacred 1200.

Go home to Gaza,

You’ll be happier there.



Three thousand years,

When the Red Sea was parted.

The Bible is God’s word,

And He chose Moses.







Posted in Music on July 15 2024 at 08:53 AM
Comments (1)
Lyrics: Country-Rock song in defence of Israel and its just war against Hamas. It challenges the leftists and Islamists on our streets and in our colleges, the Red-Green alliance, in their unholy war against Israel.
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