Bare Knuckles Bronx

Bare Knuckles Bronx


By Richard Moss MD


I live in the middle of the Midwest now,

In a farm town next to pigs and cows.

Where country folk say good morning and tip their hat,

Always ready to smile and chat.


It’s a long way from the bare knuckles Bronx,

Where people ain’t safe in the honky tonks.

You watched where you went in the middle of the day,

You move damn fast and never betray.


I got used to it here in my small town,

I could walk at night and wear my crown.

No one ever had a bad thing to say,

You went to church and learned to pray.


The schools were good, streets were safe,

You walked at night and kept your faith.

Your kids came home and didn’t swear,

You let them run free without a care.


You took your life in your hands in the city streets,

We played stickball and skully, but took the heat.

We ate pastrami and knishes at the deli,

And pizza, strombolis, peanut butter and jelly.


We grew up right near Yankee Stadium,

The neighborhood was rough, it wasn’t a palladium.

Mantle and Maris chased Babe Ruth,

When the Red Sox came, they’d knock out a tooth.


Police cars roamed the streets, sirens blazing,

Hoodlums and thieves carried guns and not praising.

We hung out on the streets and turned the music on,

With so many people, there were plenty of cons.


But it was great to grow up in the Bronx,

So many memories and friends throwing rocks.

It was a place of danger and deadly scuffles,

But looking back, some things made you chuckle.


I remember the people who became my friends,

They stood by you always ready to defend.

I’m glad I grew up in the big city,

But I knew people gunned down, it wasn’t pretty.


It’s a long way from the bare knuckles Bronx,

Where people ain’t safe in the honky tonks.

You watched where you went in the middle of the day,

You move damn fast and never betray.


The memories are great when you come from the Bronx,

But people will steal your wallet and even your socks.

Sure most people are friendly and decent,

But it could get dangerous if there was disagreement.


Yes this hillbilly from the Bronx, loves Midwest people,

Enjoys the gathering at the church steeple.

I like country roads, the cornfields and soy,

And the country ladies smile, lovely and coy.


It’s not spectacular but it sure is appealing,

To live among people sincere with good feeling.

Yes, it’s good to be from the Bronx with bare knuckles.

But I like country folk who tighten their buckles.


It’s a long way from the bare knuckles Bronx,

Where people ain’t safe in the honky tonks.

You watched where you went in the middle of the day,

You move damn fast and never betray.


Note: a song about leaving the big city (NYC/the Bronx) and finding fulfillment in the MidWest.








Posted in Music 3 days, 10 hours ago
Comments (1)
Sure the Big Apple/the Bronx was great but better to be from the Bronx than still in the Bronx. I like it here in Indiana!
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