HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: The Whirlwind Experience

July 11



The Lord has HIS WAY in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.  (Nahum 1:3  NKJV) Emphasis mine.



Not only is YHWH our Elohim in the greatness of the storm, we see above He’s in the mildness of the whirlwind, as well.  But if we look beyond the surface meaning of this Scripture, I think we’ll discover a deeper truth hidden here that can take our faith to a more intimate understanding of how Abba-YHWH guides and protects His children. 


You see, a storm is a storm, but have you ever considered the structure and effects of a whirlwind?  A whirlwind is nothing more than a small swirling wind, stirring up just enough momentum to merely kick up a little dust.  Seemingly, it has no feasible purpose whatsoever; a whirlwind appears to accomplish nothing—causing neither harm nor good—spinning around and around but going NOWHERE at all. 


Spiritually speaking, Elohim’s people can find themselves in the same predicament as the whirlwind, whirling about but not moving in any real direction at all—neither falling backward nor advancing forward—making them feel as if life is just passing them by.  However, as frustrating and purposeless as an unmoving, undirected life can seem, it’s important to understand that the Almighty is very much in control of this stage of our spiritual development as well.  For our Father uses the season of the whirlwind to test our level of faith and perseverance in His Word, and when we refuse to be dismayed during the whirlwinds of life, He ultimately causes even this to work together for our good—in due season!  (Rom 8:28; Gal 6:9)


The whirlwind experience teaches us that we’re NEVER forsaken, NEVER purposeless, and that we live not by bread alone but by the Word of YHWH.  (Heb 13:5; Jer 29:11; Mat 4:4)  But if we ever do feel alone, all we have to do is look up; the clouds in the sky are evidence that our Daddy in Heaven just passed by creating a way where there was no way before, making crooked places straight for us, in the name of Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach, Messiah Jesus of Nazareth.  Amen! 



Look up at the heavens and see; gaze at the clouds so high above you.   (Job 35:5  NIV)


Behold, I am the Lord…is there anything too hard for Me?   (Jer 32.27  NKJV)




HIDDEN MANNA~Daily Bites: The Whirlwind Experience

HIDDEN MANNA~Word Designs: Whirlwind

Copyright 2023 by Tracie Justice

Posted in Lifestyle on July 11 2024 at 09:30 AM
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