I Miss the Time Where "We All" Had the Potential to Be Friends

When no one had to care about politics because our government wasn't actively trying to exterminate us and control every aspect of our lives...

Where kids could actually be kids in their childhood and weren't constantly exposed to very adult issues...

Where people smiled at each other and said hello, where if you needed help, even strangers would jump in.

Where food didn't have to be labeled as organic or grass-fed - that was a given.

Where the air was clean and clear and we all breathed freely.

When we all agreed there were only two sexes, and the occasional hermaphrodite.

Where you could speak your mind and people if they didn't agree, simply didn't agree and that was ok....

Where if you had issues you strove to get help and heal them... now they are worn proudly like some kind of badge of honor people are supposed to tiptoe around to avoid triggering you.

Sure there have always been individuals you didn't like. But that's based on personality and vibration level mismatch.

Now? Don't like someone? You're labeled as a racist, sexist, or xenophobic.

Divide divide divide.... that's been the game plan and kudos, it's working brilliantly.

Drop the labels. We are all our own unique 'whatever we ares'.

Do you remember how much better things were? I do! ?

If we're going to win this battle, we have to get back on the same team and stop fighting each other on every little thing.....
Posted in General Interest on April 22 2024 at 11:27 AM
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