Revisiting Old Grief

The world is experiencing an awakening. You, as a human, are a part of it even if you have not purposefully decided for that to be so. It is happening individually and collectively for the betterment of mankind and the world as we know it, as well as for our own personal growth.

That said, clearing your soul and energetic blueprint is not an easy or simple task. Many of us have been doing this work on ourselves for years and even decades. It is the release of old karmic contracts, vows, agreements, energetic attachments, stuck emotions, traumatic events, old hurts and wounds, unexpected and sudden death events, even lingering physical trauma, and can span a whole lifetime or even many lifetimes past. 

These experiences are sometimes spontaneous, but are often brought up through meditation, energy healing, talk therapy, or journaling (automatic writing). Once at the surface your mind and heart can come into play and help work through them. 
How long, deep, and arduous a process this is is completely personal. It depends on the lives you have lived, how old of a soul you are, how much previous work you have done, how willing you have been and are to allow this type of release, and how much you hold on to. There is no set time frame and there is no right or wrong way to do this.
No two people grieve in exactly the same way or on the same time schedule. 

Humans are a very hurt race of beings at this point. Earth is a school of learning and some of these lessons are soul wrenchingly difficult. We peel away these traumas in layers rather than all at once to protect ourselves. The depth of emotion we are capable of feeling can become “too much” for many. Those of us who have been at it for some time understand this……………………. BUT

This is an unprecedented time in human history. We are on the verge of the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age. The earth timeline is splitting into 3D and 5D and some levels beyond. This is a trip you cannot take your baggage on….
The timelines are accelerating. Those awakening now are being pushed to do so at warp speed with little time to process what is happening. ? You may feel anxious, nervous, scared, terrified, like you are losing your mind level crazy. You may experience physical symptoms that cannot be explained by your doctor as well. They have never been trained for this and they don’t understand it any better than most. Breathe! Know that you aren’t crazy at all. ?

It is more vital than ever that you find someone you can talk to truthfully and relate with. Its vital to be easy on yourself and take care of yourself first above all else (I know that is hard for some). 

What we are experiencing on the world stage is the Tarot Card – The Tower – The tower represents our society as it is. The veil is being pulled back to reveal what’s been going on beneath the surface. It needs to come to light. The tower needs to fall………………. How painful this ending is for each person will depend on their level of attachment to the old. “Let go and let God” – Trust. As insane as all of this seems, in the end, it will all be ok……………..

Yes, many souls are leaving the planet right now. Many chose not to be here through this. I cannot blame them. This is not easy. Those here on earth right now helping through this transition are the brave…. Be proud of yourself and help others along the way as you can.

I know on a personal front I am experiencing a bringing up of old wounds and grief I had thought I had processed fully. Apparently not. It comes in waves and is rough. These energies are taking their toll on me physically and emotionally. I feel very drained right now. That’s part of why I wanted to take the time to write this………….. because I know darn well I am not the only one and I didn’t want you to feel alone.


Posted in Personal Stories 14 hours, 29 minutes ago
Comments (1)
Reviewing old griefs is an innocent activity... howver, it can open a door to renewed feelings. Our past losses cannot be undone, regardless of how much we wish we could do that. Always focus on today, for today is where your sense of reality dwells, and plan on making tomorrow a better day.
We are currently one political/tactical mistake away from WWIII, which will be TEOTWAWKI, The survivors, if there are any, will envy the dead. Along that same line, we are also one political mistake away fr...  more
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