Blue-Collar Billionaire
By Richard Moss MD
November 29 2024
You were famous as a young man,
And became a sensation.
Did you think this would happen,
That you would save the nation.
You had a good life,
until your decision.
To lead your country,
And fulfill your vision.
It’s America that you care,
America if you dare,
You’re a two-fisted blue-collar billionaire.
You tell it like it is.
No holds barred.
You grew up in New York,
And come down hard.
Fake news don’t like you,
They open the border.
You fight for our jobs,
And bring law and order.
You’re against war and losing our young,
Lower taxes and build a wall.
No illegals to harm the nation,
We have a President ready to brawl.
They wanted you in jail.
And tried to shoot you in the head.
Fight fight fight you yelled with blood on your face,
To the killers who wanted you dead.
It’s America that you care,
America if you dare,
You’re a two-fisted blue-collar billionaire.
They said Russia Collusion,
and called you a puppet.
They said you were a Nazi,
To make you plummet.
But you want work,
To help Americans.
You brought peace to the world,
And healed divisions.
You ran again.
They went after you.
The media was in.
The judge wanted a coup.
They switched candidates,
But truth would not hide.
Talk straight was what you did,
It was a landslide.
Shake up the deep state.
America First again, but even better,
MAGA wins, this was your fate.
It’s the age of Trump we now enter.
It’s America that you care,
America if you dare,
You’re a two-fisted blue-collar billionaire.