The Emperor Has No Clothes! (Who knew we would grow up and live this childhood tale?)

The Emperor's New Clothes seemed like a silly kid's story, right? 
I mean - Imagine, the Emperor walking around naked and no one said a word because they would be the ones thought mad.

And yet? Here we are in "woke" 2023 USA. The emperor has no clothes, no shoes, loyalties to the wrong country, a crackhead son, and often can't figure out which way to face let alone read the teleprompter.  Yet? None of his "royal subjects" say a word. Instead, they all fall in line and act like this is normal and just the way things are supposed to be. If you speak up, you are the crazy one, and how dare you? 

Truth has become a dirty word. Censored, hidden, erased, and canceled. Those who speak it are ostracized, bullied, banned, blocked, virtual jailed, and outcast. The beautiful thing is? - It isn't stopping us, the truth tellers. 

We are tired of looking at the emperor’s naked wrinkled old hiney and even more tired of his face and what comes out of it. It is well beyond time for a change of regime. After all this one was never legitimate anyway, falsely decreed by Dominion. 

Smoke and mirrors, lies, staged false flags, cruelty to children, cannibalism, sodomy, incest, spirit cooking, devil worship, money laundering, treason, it has all gone on too long. There are now too many of us unwilling to attest to these non-existent false front trappings they claim to wear just to fit in and save face. Society is being pushed past that fine line of what they can get away with and............... they know it. 

The emperor and his gang of merry thieves are scared. They see us. They have gone after the only 'politician' in the power play who could take them down and are grasping at straws to prosecute him for anything and everything real and imagined. The thing is, no matter what the courts say, we all see the truth, at least those of us who are meant to.

One by one the darkness is being revealed. If one is paying attention............
That closet that is packed full of skeletons is cracking open.

The empire will fall.

Time for a new book, not just a new chapter. ⚛


Posted in News & Politics on May 10 2023 at 02:16 PM
Comments (3)
Very well said.
haha thank you !
Just as I am thinking
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