When David Slew Goliath
by Richard Moss MD
September 2024
Fear not as David did not,
Rise up and do not fall away.
The Lord will remember you,
He will deliver you this day.
Tremble not before the clamor,
And hearken not to the sword.
For David was but a youth,
When he came before the Lord.
The Philistines were gathered,
Behind the giant, Goliath.
They stood in the valley of Elah,
And Israel shuddered before his wrath.
I defy the armies of Israel, said Goliath,
Send me a man, not odd.
Who is this Philistine, asked David,
That he mocks the armies of God?
Let no man’s heart fail,
Said David to King Saul.
Thy servant will go out,
I will slay this Philistine, and not fall.
But thou are but a youth, said Saul.
And he is a man of war.
Thy servant slew lion and bear, said David,
And he shall now hear Israel roar.
Am I a dog, said Goliath,
When he saw David with staff.
I will feed thy flesh to the beasts of the field,
Said the giant with a laugh.
I come in the name of the Lord, said David,
Who leadeth His people to glory.
I will smite thee, and all the earth will know,
There is a God of Israel.
David slew the giant with sling and stone,
He smote him and removed his head.
When the Philistines saw Goliath dead,
From the field of Elah they fled.
David rose in name and praise,
And would one day wear the ring.
He found favor with God all his days,
And became Israel’s greatest king.