A Bloody Ear of Border

It has taken me awhile to work on this. But I posted the meme with scripture of verses about bloody right ear. Some got upset on Facebook and said dont ever apply those to DJT. This was my reply.so please critique me, Even if it is only saying "Your wrong" 
  The world needs to be told that this is spiritual warfare. Eph. 6 and the world is not going to hear scriptural truths from John Riches new song Revelation: Angels of the Lord do not have wings. Cherubims have 4 wings. Lucifer was created a cherub. Ezekiel 28:13-17. And the video displays the opposite of what scripture says. There is one deception of truth in his video.    
   Another attractive buff bare chested white manly man for Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53:2 "... : he hath no form nor comeliness; and we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him." He was not a pretty man on the outside. Rich's white male angel depicted with wings as an angel of light fighting the darkened man is deception. What does it say about Satan. 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Cherubims have wings not angels. Good timing on a song that inspires some emotions in face of an upcoming election. 
  There is a spiritual battle going on. The truth is that these lies in the video can help spread the lies of the Koran Sura 35:1 SAHIH INTERNATIONAL
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. A young kid picks up a Koran and reads this verse and says it is more accurate than the bible and muslims say their book has never been changed. 
  How many movies portray angels as women? Sura 53:27 "Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter label angels as female," The unbelievers are labeling the angels as females? Muslims believe they will have a harem of virgins in the hereafter. Does that mean they will spend their eternity in self satisfaction or worshipping and praising "the god"? 
  This is spiritual warfare. And many cannot discern the truth. If a person cannot see that wicked men are trying to usher, on their timing, a one world financial, ruling and a one religion disguised as cryptocurrency, globalism or a religion of peace, they have no discernment.
   What I posted was what scripture said about a bloody right ear. Is God sanctifying DJT? Sanctify to cleanse for a purpose. I have no clue but God does have a purpose for him, just what purpose I don't know. I do know God created all things for his pleasure and glory Rev. 4:11
   DJT has been shot, I say miraculously was missed, and hit in the ear which caused it to bleed. There very well can be some symbolism. Was the bloody ear the sign or the immigration chart? What is happening in our world that can be construed as a spiritual battle?
  The music industry is full of satanic worship. I would even say there public sacrifices by the death of musicians or even music goers. https://stillness(-)in(-) the (-) storm.com/2021/11/09/something-extremely-dark-happened-at-travis-scotts-deadly-astroworld-festival/14/36/06/138861/news/stillness-in-the-storm/ copy and paste and delete the parentheticals if, it should read one word stillnessinthestorm Community standards are against you critically thinking on something and censored this link. 
  Am I reaching for things here. Lil Nas did market shoes that had human blood in the soles. https://www.cnn.com/style/article/lil-nas-x-mschf-satan-nike-shoes/index.html Jack Black offered a prayer to the dark Lord on the 2009 MTV awards. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9eJ5QxhHQTw&feature=youtu.be Was it a comical skit? And our movie industry is not any better. Lucifer was the musical cherubim and prince of the power of the air. Eph. 2:2
   In Rev 17 we see some end time prophecy. The little ten horns that are kings but not be kings but for an hour with the beast also be the ten toes in Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Dan? The devolution of governments starting a solid gold head and ended at miray mixed worthless clay/iron toes. 
  Far fetch opinion here but could the little ten horns be sovereign nations? To be sovereign there can be no global authority? Revelation 17 say 10 horns / kings will hand over their authority. Could this be by a treaty? 
  The US does not have a king, some may argue it does today, but only the president has the power and authority to sign a treaty. He has to get advice and consent from the Senate but power to ratify treaties rests solely with the president. 
  What has SCOTUS just ruled? A president has immunity, supreme authority , when acting in an official capacity. What is a King? A king is the chief or sovereign of a nation; a man invested with supreme authority over a nation. Is God lining things up so that when it comes to signing that treaty with the antichrist he has immunity and authority while in his official capacity? 
  It seems, perspectively, that nationalism is what DJT is trying to do with the US, not isolationism. This patriotic national unity has ignited national patriotism in France, England, Venezuela, Ireland in defiance of globalist agendas. Dutch farmers are uniting against the EU's agenda control over national agricultural laws. Could this be aligning sovereign nations again against the globalists banning fertilizer? Is DJT's pursuit of nationalism helping other nations to want to become sovereign in their own nations? 
   Tieing little toes back to Daniel 2 and Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the image of the beast. What if (probably reaching again) 10 corporations are the the ten toes? There are corporations today that have as much power and greater profits than many nations combined GDP. Elon Musk , as well as others, are mixing machinery (microchips) with humans (clay). We have robotic prosthesis today. Corporations are using 3D technology to create fake meat rather than creating a new kidney, heart or hip to better a person's life. The world is too populated and controlling food is a far better way to control the people. 
   We are in the "last days". Space Link is a geo-grid of satellites encompassing the earth. All know All seeing All hearing That is a lot of power. Bill Gates is wanting to block the sunlight through geoengineering to decrease carbon dioxide. Duh plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Duh let's dim the sun so a plant has no light for photosynthesis therefore depleting the oxygen. Men cannot or will not discern that less CO2 means less oxygen; less oxygen means less humans.
   There are a lot of corporations today who are trying to play god from controlling the weather to food. And this is where we are today. Jer. 24:10. 
  Nebuchadnezzar dream with feet of clay and iron is the last earthly kingdom to be destroyed prior to Christ's second advent. Luke 17:26 Jesus said "and as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. We have to compare the two. Gen 6:11 "violence filled the land". Vs.13 "violence filled the land THROUGH THEM" what is them? Who are the them of vs. 13? The anticedant of them are the giants in the land in verse 4. Keeping it simple are we back to the corporations who control social media? I am just as guilty of being entertained with violence through the television. Sadly today we can literally watch a man be killed live on YouTube through our phones. I do not even mention MMA or UFC. 
  Luke 17 Jesus said Just as in the days of Noe "they be given in marriage". In God's eyes knowing someone through sex is marriage. The United States is one of the leading countries of pornography and our children know more than we ever did, at an earlier age. Not all of it comes through the phones and internet . How much comes from watching their family? Examine "Only Fans" and one can see the morals of the populace. And then human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar a year business. Human trafficking across the border is a multi billion dollar yearly business. 
  We know that biblically God has used foreign nations to punish other nations. Jer. 24:10 "send the sword ". I find it interesting that DJT's timing was turning toward an immigration chart interesting. Wow. Was that sign meant for believers to discern their governments leadership in light of an invading foreign nations? 
  Compare the administrations with the thought of God using foreigners to punish a nation. What was different between his administration and Biden's. 
  What if I just say DJT was trying to be a good steward of the US. He wanted to increase the lives of the people. Disagree if you want. Gas was cheaper. There were no active foreign wars. There wasn't any violence until election time came and it was from the left. Also he was fighting human trafficking.
  How is Biden's stewardship of the US? Cocaine was found in the White House. During an LGBTQ event guest were flashing their bare breasts on the lawn. Even worse there are pictures of gay men having sex in the House chambers. (It would have been just as distasteful had it been a heterosexual couple). In 248 years that may not have been the first, but it was the first that it's leadership had the audacity to publicly say in your face what is happening behind their closed doors. Biden's administration has promoted crime by not punishing it. 
  What would the immigration chart say if we attributed it scriptures. Was that chart and the turning of DJT's head God telling the belivers to discern the times? Many are quick to quote ""If my people would humble themselves...I will heal their land". Are the people really humbling themselves or do we need a shot in the ear also? 
    We know signs are to the Jews and the unbelieving. If God wants to send a sign that he is in control He can. He can use the basest of men. And many think DJT is one of the basest of men. If scripture gets posted that attracts unbelievers, then Amen. After the shooting we are seeing some public discourse on God words. Social media influencers are asking questions. Gen Z are evaluating what parents have been saying and starting to critically think about their lives. Let's pray they find the right answers. 
  It does not matter if I say it was luck, coincidence or a miracle that DJT turned his head at the time. It only matters to DJT and he gives credit that it was God's protection he survived. 
  Rumors immediately surfaced that he changed his speech to one of more unity. Rumors surfaces that it scared / humbled him and he immediately gave credit that it was only God's hand that saved him. We just need to keep him in our prayers the right people are around him. 
 We are in a spiritual battle in these latter days. Sanctify to cleanse for a purpose. If God used that bullet and verses to cleanse DJTs heart, that is between him and God. Is God using DJT to help bring down the one world agenda to set up God's timing? I think he has been set aside for that purpose. 
  I don't know but prayerful maybe an unbeliever will acknowledge that there is a God in heaven who is in control and that person may out of a pure heart call on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved with the understanding Jesus Christ paid one's personal sin debt. An understanding not of emotion but one of understanding of sorrow and conviction he has fallen short to God's glory. That only by faith in Christ's death burial and resurrection he has been accepted into God fold. 
   And we Christians better be on our A game. I just seen John Rich teaching Tucker Carlson post millennial doctrine. One Christian lady is questioning if he is right in the comments. Are you capable of opening scriptures and say this is what God says? 
   Thank you everyone who commented. Y'all forced me to study a little. And yes I know the them in Gen 6 are the fallen angels who left their first estate. But if the lion ,Great Britan, can be a type of media-persia, the bear, Russia a type of Greece and the leopard, the US a type of Rome then could not a corporation be a type of toes? 
   Critique me! But more importantly let's not only discern the times, let's try to be used to find the one lost sheep.
Posted in News & Politics on July 22 2024 at 07:56 AM
Comments (1)
I meant tA bloody Ear or Border
I had to title it something to post.
Could have been A Sign to Discern??
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