Leu's Books

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Sole Proprietorship
10073 E. State Rd. 56, Dubois, IN, USA
Company Number:
812-678-2987 or 317-376-3871
 My novel, "Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms", is now available. This book is a political fiction thriller about the pandemic the CCP sent us. It’s a hopeful tale that tells about the political revolution now underway. It speaks about the joys and hardships individuals and families experienced. It also explains about the Progressive Socialist revolution of Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement which is undertaken in collaboration with the Democrats the mainstream media and large, powerful corporations.
Those two movements are Communist organizations that want to destroy the American way of life. They want to do away with the nuclear family, and they reject hard work and individual initiative. It also explores the resistance of the Tea Parties and other groups.
As a Historian, he explains the dynamics involved in this complicated event. As a Special Ed teacher, I explain the family dynamics people experience during the pandemic. "Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms" is a historical read highlighting the families in America who succumbed to great fear and how the pandemic greatly impacted their lives in ways they couldn’t even imagine.
This work is the creation of Michael James Lewinski, a newly published writer, a keen historian, and a competent teacher who spent two decades of his life in the special education field. “Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms" is a historical political thriller that explores an American revolution that broke out during a once in a hundred years pandemic that killed more than an Americans.
As a trained historian, he explains the dynamic involved in this complicated event which has everybody on pins and needles. He articulates the frustration and fears people experience during this pandemic. He explores the sick ideology of Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement which is attempting to destroy the American way of life.
He also looks at the actions Tea Party groups and other patriotic groups took to fight back against the pandemic lockdown and the ridiculous mask mandate for everyone. Those groups believed that only the older, and more immune-compromised people needed good masks.
As you read through this account, you will be able to feel the pains and joys the characters experience as the story unfolds. This author tells a hopeful story about America and the American people’s future. He shows the ups and downs of families’ lives during this very troubling period of our history. You will have a hard time putting this book down as he quickly goes from one family story to the next one. We highly recommend this tale as we are presently moving through the revolution which we, unfortunately, are experiencing.
Biden: The Great Pretender Takes a Nap and Trump Arises will examine the foolishness of the Progressives, mostly in the Democratic Socialist party. I will examine the ways and means to overcome our domestic enemies.
                                                                   Stay tuned!